The President of the Autonomous Community, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, opens tonight at 19:30 pm, the exhibition 'Alfonso X El Sabio', which can be visited in the exhibit hall of the Church of San Esteban to 31 January 2010.
The exhibition, organized by the regional government, the city of Murcia and Caja Mediterráneo, seeks to learn more about the figure of Alfonso X and the culture of his time.
The exhibition was presented this morning by the Director of Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage, Enrique Ujaldón, together with the regional director of Caja Mediterráneo, Angel Martinez, and the Councillor for Culture of the City of Murcia, Fátima Barnuevo.
During the presentation of the exhibition, Enrique Ujaldón explained that "the reign of Alfonso X comes to us through a series of pieces, each of which we can see contemporary references," adding that "we can enjoy a unique exhibit both its historical and artistic content. "
The exhibition features over 250 pieces, organized in some 180 exhibition units, most of them considered masterpieces of Spanish and European medieval art.
These pieces are an example of one of the brightest phases of art and Hispanic culture and its relationship with the Islamic world and the Christian kingdoms of Europe.
One of the highlights of the exhibition is that it has managed to unite for the first time all four copies of the Cantigas de Santa Maria, which could be considered a global event, and almost all the Scriptorium Alfonsi.
The exhibition includes a section that houses some of the most significant and emblematic of the Spanish kings of the thirteenth century.
Furthermore, the different sections on unique jewelry such as gold show the Shrine of Tables Alfonsi, who have only once gone to the Cathedral of Seville, the Shrine of the Holy Sepulchre, a jewel of gold XIII century Paris, the Virgin freestone Allariz, one of only two preserved in the thirteenth century, compared to those displayed in major collections in the world, all nineteenth-century forgery.
In the hall of St. Stephen also showcase a unique collection of fabrics, among which, for its deep meaning, the layer of the Infante Don Sancho, the most comprehensive collection of chess pieces and boards existing in Spain, and other games manqala medieval caliphate as a dozen magnificent manuscripts which include 'Knowledge of Astronomy', 'Lapidary and Astronomy' and 'Computer', one of the wonders of the Carolingian miniature.
For the organization of this exhibition has enjoyed the cooperation of the major collections and museums of the world as The British Library (London), Naczionale Library (Florence), National Library of France, Museo del Prado, Patrimonio Nacional, National Library Art Museum of Catalonia, Seville Cathedral, the National Archaeological Museum, Instituto Valenciano de Don Juan, Cathedral of Pamplona or San Isidoro de León, among others.
Source: CARM