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The University of Murcia publishes a guide for the SATs Spanish Language (14/10/2009)

Secondary school students, but also those aged 25 and 45, have now with a guide who has edited the University of Murcia to help them overcome the evidence of access to this institution in the field of Spanish.

"Guide to the Spanish language exams and text commentary, so you call the play, is a work of Spanish language professor at the University of Murcia, Ramón Almela, he has done in collaboration with professors of Spanish Language and Literature in Schools' Miguel Espinosa "and" Alfonso X el Sabio, Maria Teresa Lozano and Gines Cano, respectively.

The authors explained in the book launch, held in the House of Literature in the presence of the rector, José Antonio Cobacho that the work is a guide for those who present themselves for entrance exams go well prepared but not a substitute for either teachers or textbooks.

The book, published by the editor of the University of Murcia (EDITUM) in collaboration with the University Store is the first of what is expected to be a series of publications for the rest of the exercises posed in the entrance exams.

All future guides will follow the guidelines of this that are making a simple and flexible publication that serves to guide, guide and help students gain the greatest possible use of the classes and the study are made.

The book is divided into two main groups: the first deals with how to do the review, detailing how to make personal critical commentary, the topics of syntax, morphology and vocabulary, to culminate in a selection of twelve texts with commentary thereto can serve as a model student.

The second block reports on how to prepare for the exam, addressing issues such as developing communication skills, reading comprehension, writing, or the basics of parsing and providing useful guidelines for writing well.

The presentation ceremony was addressed by the coordinator of the entrance examinations to the University, John Smith, the rector of University Extension, Francisco Guillermo Diaz, and the Vice President of Communication and International Relations, Maria Angeles Esteban.

Source: Universidad de Murcia. Fotos: Juanchi López

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