Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


The opening of the new ring road from Murcia to channel up to 80,000 vehicles per day (18/09/2009)

Miguel Angel House notes that the track facilitates the transfer of traffic from twelve different avenues and approaches and will reduce traffic jams

The surface course is constructed with materials that reduce noise and have planted over 1,000 palm trees in the median

The total investment amounts to more than 22 million euros

The idea of easing traffic congestion in most of the city consisted of four phases.

And they have already been completed.

The opening of the last mile - the road linking the roundabout Alicante Cubes "is the culmination of the project consists Belt East.

The complete works of the road is more important that the City Council has undertaken in its history Murcia joins South Round Juan de Borbon in a large metropolitan avenue that presents a total of about 7 kilometers long and whose works represent an investment of over 22 million euros.

The Mayor of Murcia, Miguel Ángel Cámara, this morning visited the new venue and stressed the absorptive capacity of the same traffic, thus reducing the movement of vehicles throughout the area.

The ratio of road that crosses gives an idea of how beneficial it will be this way to reduce traffic congestion.

Thus, from start to finish, the avenue will streamline the traffic on the road Murcia-Beniaján, new artery Bridge Fica-Beniaján (currently running), Bridge on the River Segura, Bacons Bridge Road, Highway Alicante, Avenida Almirante Loaysa Zarandona Road, Highway Cabezo de Torres, Avenida Principe de Asturias, Senda de Granada, Avenida D.

Juan de Borbón, Churra Road and Avenida Juan Carlos I.

The road has 3 lanes in each direction, a median separation plant senses of variable width 2,50 / 8,00 m.

and medium-sized side of 1.50 m.

wide, which will function as transitional sidewalks does not run the service road.

The construction of the avenue has included an analysis of seamless mobility by applying a traffic planning program (QSRII) to a geographical setting made up of the major arteries of the city, integrating the avenue itself Miguel Indurain in the global topology of study.

Leads to the following conclusions:


The maximum intensity under his belt this, taking into account the full urban development sectors in this region of Murcia, is 40,102 vehicles.


The commissioning of the new road will be an absorption of about 40% of current traffic of Avenida 1 Âş de Mayo and Ronda de Levante and 25% of that in Avenue D.

Juan de Borbón.

The daily capacity of the road according to the criteria of Higway Capacity Manual is as follows:

In the central core section: 120,000 vehicles.

Given the traffic light regulation and corresponding green phase gives a real capacity of 80,000 vehicles.

Respect for the Environment

The project has been extremely careful with the environment.

Thus, we have planted in the central median total of 1,025 palm trees.

These species are highly adapted to the climate of Murcia and are of very low water consumption.

In the islets of the intersections have also been placed palm type 200 species.

On the other hand, the work includes the placement of artificial turf, requiring parameters that define a minimum quality fade reduction by aging in accordance with European Standard UNE-EN 927.

In addition, drip irrigation has been placed automated and centralized satellite to central Park Service and Gardens, minimizing operating costs.

Additional work

In an independent action of the above, but further from a standpoint of mobility, has expanded south road from Ronda to equip its entire length with three lanes in each direction.

The length of the action is (2.08 km).

The traffic capacity of the new section will be similar to the Avenida Miguel Indurain thus creates a structural axis from within the highway A-30 (Murcia-Cartagena).

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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