The Deputy Mayor of Education and Personal, Pilar Megía, wanted to remind the group of socialist municipal sustaining nursery school is not for the City and that, nevertheless, are spending more than 8 million euros to the maintenance of the seven primary schools in the municipality.
Pilar Megía been prominent from the Social Services offer support for the education of children from families with economic difficulties, aid for which you also have to add those available from the region.
"The education of 0 to 3 years of age is not binding, however, from the Government Team People's Party are contributing in particular to reconcile work and family life of Murcia, at the same time we are encouraging private initiative and job creation. "
Megía has demanded that the National Government, as was done in the plenary of the Corporation last July, which allow to reduce the economic contributions that go to municipalities to cover the costs unfit, ie those whose spending powers under the Central Government and are being undertaken by the municipalities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia