The headman of Los Ramos, Juan Antonio Jail, explained that the cleanup is planned adjacent to the solar housing, which were fumigated before summer.
"Just this summer, along with the local police, visited the area to notify owners of all lots of the branches to have to carry out cleaning and fencing."
Prisons added that "there is no request to install waste bins and banks" but that there is a project to install playground equipment, although the neighbors have not yet determined the exact location of their placement.
Also remember that the Councillor for Environment and Urban Quality, Adela Martinez-Cache, with the headman visited the area to see first hand their needs.
With regard to the placement of the ridges on the street Saturn Prisons stated that "the law does not allow it because it is too lean and can cause accidents."
Prisons do not understand how "after 20 years of rule by the Socialist Party in Los Ramos have never done anything in public housing and now have become so demanding. Why have ruled so many years if they are supposed to know at least that Saturn street can not put bosses? How many times have worried about cleaning and fencing the lots? Since the ruling Popular Party has visited the area several times and have already implemented various measures to improve "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia