Murcia City Council moves a step closer to recovery of construction, the project owed New Condomina the municipality, from an erroneous computation of 10% mandatory public sale that is generated in this great work.
The municipality may recover the equivalent of more than 17 million euros in dotacional vested lands near the football stadium.
Remember that last November the Supreme Court upheld the 2006 ruling of the High Court, which forced New Developments Condomina to give more ground.
The Board of Governors approved this morning by land subdivision project submitted by the Board of Compensation Plan Part ZB-SD-Ch-7 de Murcia (New Condomina) which, inter alia, giving effect to that decision.
The owners of the parcels to be returned are New Developments Condomina Torrealcayna and other small business owners, that is, all owners of land in this area and members of the Board for compensation.
Moreover, the rules regarding use of the new stadium, courts have denied the request of the owner of Real Murcia as a precautionary measure to suspend the rules approved by the Department of Sport pending the conclusion of the trial and issued its ruling, so that also upheld the City Council.
The judge is not expected to cause any irreparable harm to accept the request.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia