Socialist Councilman José Manuel Abellán ask the PP of La Glorieta "why only notifies the court, but not reported to drivers on what road you must take to avoid unnecessary delays and road safety situations."
Note from PSOE:
The Municipal Group Socialist councilman José Manuel Abellán considered a serious error that the city of Murcia court today Ronda Sur traffic without providing information to the public on alternative routes they can take.
In this sense, the PP municipal Abellán question why only notifies the court, but not reported to drivers on what road you must take to avoid unnecessary delays and road safety situation.
Link Santa Catalina
Moreover, the Socialists showed his satisfaction that, thanks to investment from the Ministry of Public Works has removed a black point of our roads, access from Ronda Ronda South West, through the construction of a roundabout and new connections that will bring more traffic flow.
"With the opening of liaison Santa Catalina, which took place today, Murcia may move more safely," says Abellán.
Source: Grupo Municipal Socialista, Ayuntamiento de Murcia