The Spokesman of the Municipal People's Party, Nuria Fuentes, has responded to the Government that it must assume that "the works are of Murcia, which are paid all taxes Murcia and not the works of the PSOE.
He adds, "that's their mistake, believing they are the work of the Socialist Party when we apply to all Murcia."
Sources said he does not understand the policy of the Socialist Party because "it appears that instead of rejoicing because Murcia improve and progress is taken the wrong any work done."
The Spokesman of the PP have been invited to the Government to get off the official car to visit the city, you see the works, "because we are seeing all Murcia and think he is the only person who does not see."
Sources indicated that the Government Delegate to know what their role and if you have Syndrome Mayor or Chairman of the Community is submitted to the next election and win.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia