Develop skills that enable responsible answers, autonomous and critical of the drugs is the goal of the program 'I have my place in society: I want to help! ", Developing the Department of Health within the Municipal Plan for the Prevention of Drug Addiction.
This program is for students of secondary school and developed in their centers during the hours of tutoring using worksheets, audiovisual material and other informational materials.
During the ten years since this program have passed it up 12,000 students.
The objectives of this project are:
-To develop habits of behavior among youth to promote the choice of healthy lifestyles
-To develop among young people a critical attitude to the consumer allowing them a responsible choice
-Strengthen your confidence and decision not to succumb to pressure from peers
To generate positive attitudes and confidence about their own training, enhancing resources
"Providing youth with the tools necessary for the development of interpersonal relationships in a satisfactory manner
Working with young professionals (psychologists, doctors, nurses, teachers and social workers) in a minimum of 8 sessions and a maximum of 18 sessions of one hour, in which concepts are developed as self-knowledge, self-worth, self esteem, the ratio components interpresonal aspects to improve the talks, assertiveness, peer pressure and decision making.
The Board of Governors approved the provisional award of this project to the Local Initiatives Company, Ltd. for an amount of 54,000 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia