The plenary session, thanks to a motion filed by the Municipal People's Party Spokesman, Nuria Fuentes García-Lax, and votes against the Municipal Socialist Group and the non-IU-LV, require the Ministry of Development to immediately begin construction of highway section Santomera-Zeneta.
This project was approved in 2004 by the Autonomous Community, signed the cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Public Works in June 2006.
Now that three years have passed, only the party is running for the Community (San Javier-Zeneta) while that for the central government (Santomera-Zeneta) has not even begun.
Therefore, in addition to requesting the commencement of work, the plenary will require the maintenance of the route agreed between the Mayor, members of Neighborhood Councils, residents and businessmen of the affected districts and includes a new link between Santomera and Zeneta road to allow communication with the MU-330.
In addition the government team has offered its full support to all platforms neighborhood that are concerned about any change in the agreed route.
Development requires the Mayor to honor its commitments to Murcia
Calls for the start of construction of the A7 connection with Zeneta as the route agreed with the neighbors and authorities
"We want once and for all stop punishing us, slow down and hamper major projects"
The Mayor, Miguel Ángel Cámara, requires the Ministry of Development compliance with its commitments to Murcia in the sense of accelerating the process to start work on the new highway connection with Zeneta A7.
In addition, the road should keep the path that was agreed with the authorities and neighbors and always ensure accessibility to the Raal and Stables.
"We want once and for all let us punish and to slow down and hamper important projects," he said.
In this sense, the Mayor has called on the Ministry to act with the same speed that has made the autonomous region, that will soon complete the work on the stretch that took, namely Zeneta to San Javier.
"The" added "we do not know what to do the Ministry of Development."
In his view, this issue offers "further evidence of the different forms of government: the Regional Government is committed and fulfilled and the National Government is committed and does not meet."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia