IU + Councillor for the Greens in the city of Murcia, Esther Herguedas, has filed a motion in Parliament tomorrow, June 25, which requests that the local municipality to be declared free of nuclear energy and waste landfill.
Herguedas said that nuclear power is incompatible with a sustainable energy model, as it is economically inefficient, socially inequitable, environmentally unacceptable and has also caused serious problems for public health. "
He said the chance of a serious nuclear accident has increased in recent years due to aging of the reactor since the nuclear plant owners seek to maximize profits at the expense of reduced security.
"The so-called peaceful uses of nuclear energy conducive to the diversion of nuclear material for nuclear weapons or terrorism, which undermines efforts to the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons," he added Herguedas.
He stressed that according to a report from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas commissioned by Greenpeace, the electricity demand of the peninsula in its entirety can be met using renewable energy at a lower cost than the current system.
According to the mayor, "abandon nuclear energy is a matter of political will, as there is no technical problem, energy and money to prevent it, and it is most desirable from the standpoint of safety and environmental protection."
In addition to this proposal, IU + Greens in Parliament has raised several motions on creating a dog park, schools in the north of Murcia, the day against homophobia and the suppression of the high-voltage El Palmar -Espinardo.
He has also filed a motion for an inventory of public and private network-related traditional irrigation in the garden of Murcia, and a battery of questions about the waste treatment plant in Cañada Hermosa, draft rehabilitation of the Clock Tower in Bacons Bridge and the cooperation agreement between the municipality and the Universidad Católica San Antonio (UCAM).
Source: IURM