The president of the Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia and Mayor of Murcia, Miguel Ángel Cámara, noted this morning, the failure of this first year of Zapatero's term.
House was speaking after a meeting of the Second Regional Forum of Federations of Municipalities and Provinces held in Avila by the presidents and general secretaries of the federations of Castilla y León, La Rioja, Murcia and Valencia.
"The Prime Minister-in-chamber view can not hide the weak commitment to the Spanish municipalities despite severe funding problems they are experiencing at this time of economic crisis."
In this regard, he noted that Zapatero is "laughing all the mayors" in Spain because he had committed to negotiate in parallel regional and local funding and "we have seen what happened."
"On the ineffectiveness of Rodríguez Zapatero, has joined the baggage that has meant for local governments the appointment of Manuel Chaves as third vice president of Land Policy," he said.
Miguel Angel Chaves House regret that the Government has come "to hang out."
Also, House stressed that the first performance as vice president Chaves has been detrimental to the municipalities, because instead of accelerating the reform of funding is delayed.
"A few days after naming him minister meets President of the FEMP, the socialist Pedro Castro, and announces to delay the reform of local financing model, expected to come to Congress in the last quarter of the year," .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia