The Councillor for Environment and Urban Quality, Adela Martinez-Cacho, has visited the gardens of twenty districts and five districts since February, the month in which began a new round of visits to green areas of the municipality, as it did in last year.
, Martinez-Cache has toured the parks and gardens in the districts of Churra, Zeneta, Los Ramos, El Palmar, La Ñora, Sucina, Santo Angelo, San José de la Vega, San Ginés, Aljucer, Era Alta, Torreagüera, The Ramos, Los Martínez del Puerto, La Ñora, Boatmen, Beniscornia Corner, St. Pius X, Beniaján and Glens in San Pedro and the neighborhoods of The Fleet Vistabella, Vistalegre, El Carmen and Juan Manuel Infante.
To all this we must add the visit to oversee the renovation of the Chinese garden and the garden of Fofó.
The reason for these visits is to assess the needs of each of these parks and gardens and see first hand the current situation of all the green areas of the municipality, in addition to reporting on the ground to the leaders of the parishes and district councils various actions will be carried out soon.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia