The Association of Friends of the Sierra de Columbares has decided to appoint the Deputy Mayor for Education and Personal, Pilar Megía, as a member of Honor for his work on behalf of the environment and environmental education in the municipality, in its earlier stage to service against the Environment, and the current head of the Education.
For his involvement in the work of preserving green areas of Murcia and its involvement in the projects carried out from the center Columbares environmental source, the aforementioned association a few months ago decided to give Friday June 19 in recognition of his work .
Located in an environment of high natural interest, near Valley Regional Park and Carrascoy and included in the Special Protection Area for Birds (SPAs) for "Monte El Valle and Altaona saws and Escalona, the environmental center Columbares Source , operational since 2001, has as one of its main objectives the strengthening the values of respect and care for the environment and try to contribute their grain of sand in the solution of environmental problems affecting the Region of Murcia.
For this activity center is organized around five major areas:
Renewable Energy
Combating erosion and desertification
Ecological Agriculture
Water and waste management
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia