The regional coordinator of IU, José Antonio Pujante, yesterday visited the Spanish workers Zinc (zincs) locked in the cathedral of Murcia and showed their support in the struggle for the transfer of business activity to the industrial park's Camacho, in Cartagena.
Vigorous training offered his politics as "spokesman" for the employees of zincs in the Congress of Deputies and the Regional Assembly, in order to reach the institutions the proposals and concerns of the Works and ensure the jobs and industrial activity.
According to the federation leader left, central and regional governments must implement "every effort" to reach an agreement that meets the interests of workers through financial instruments such as the ICO and INFO.
Referring to the meeting announced by the Minister of Universities, Industry and Research, Salvador Marín, zincs legal representatives, to which are invited the Official Credit Institute (ICO), Pujante felt that at that meeting the Committee should also participate Company.
He also recalled that IU made in the House of Representatives a motion requesting Act holding an urgent meeting between the regional government, representatives of the Board of Directors and employees of zincs and responsible for the ICO.
The purpose of the meeting, he added Pujante, is that the central government set a spending commitment and support to ensure the execution of the construction of the new Spanish Zinc plant in Los Camachos.
In addition, the motion urges the Executive Law to "give the necessary instructions for the ICO to ensure the provision of a guarantee amounting to 75 million euros for building the new factory."
Thriving community, visited the workers accompanied by the responsible federal IU Areas, Lola Sanchez, the coordinator of this training in Cartagena, Victoria Rodriguez and Councilwoman IU + Greens in Murcia, Esther Herguedas, said his organization " has always been and will "employees with zincs.
Source: IURM