The Servite Confraternity of Our Lady of Sorrows in Murcia on Saturday 19 at 21.00h their annual gala dinner in the rooms of Hotel "Seven Crowns" of Murcia, Paseo de Garay.
They invited all the brothers and how much Murcia Nazareth family wants to join the ceremony in which the Guild will present its highest awards for 2008.
The cover charge is 40 euros which can be purchased prior to any cash income of 'Cajamurcia' account: 2043-0106-93-0900512935.
With the receipt of income may withdraw invitations 'Isidro Juan' in the street Puxmarina; 'Jewelry Reverte' in Jara Carrillo or Enmarcaciones 'Angle' in the Plaza Puerta Nueva de Murcia.
All attendees will be presented with gifts from the Brotherhood and other business sponsors.
Source: Cofradía de Servitas (Murcia)