Note from IU + LV:
IU + Councillor Greens in Murcia, Esther Herguedas showed concern today about the purchase of Colegio San Antonio de Padua, located in the neighborhood of the fleet, by the Valencian society Longevity SL Business Corporation, dedicated to real estate .
Herguedas recalled that the City gave public land owned by the municipality of about 10,000 square feet to the Foundation "Development of Christian Schools' for the construction of a school concert, but that entity transferred the management of the business school at Globalis.
Due to the accumulation of debt, the new site was put up for sale and recently acquired by the company Longevity Business Corporation dedicated to property management, among other issues.
According to the mayor of IU + Greens, the new management company "has announced to parents the implementation of various reforms that have led to discontent among parents."
For this reason, Herguedas ask the Councillor for Education, Francisco Porto, at the next Committee on Social Affairs, which will be held on Monday, June 22, on the current situation of the school and what changes will start the new address .
Exactly, ask for an explanation about how the council has ensured compliance with the obligation to reserve a percentage of places for pupils of disadvantaged social backgrounds and with special educational needs as set out in the specification, and if this condition is assumed by the company.
Also, ask about the legal status of municipal solar regarding the award of the surface rights and the fulfillment of the promised payments.
Herguedas also be interested in if school will be bilingual, and if it is true that the school board plans to increase quotas and how this may affect the configuration of students and educational concert that compels municipal transfer.
"And, unknown to the teaching experience of the new address, which takes over a company that manages only know that different companies, so we fear that the right to education is concerned with a view business, "concluded Councillor IU + Greens.
Source: IU+LV, Ayuntamiento de Murcia