The rock great David Karanka Murcia Peña held on the evening of Wednesday 10 June at the Bridge Restaurant Vicente Tocinos its usual annual gala at the end of the season in which they handed over the awards to the best of the season.
The event was attended by members of the rock, whose votes give awards in different categories and grana staff members, representatives of the club and Manuel Alvarez, who was President of Real Murcia, before the turn of Jesus Samper and Vice President during the first term above, which received a tribute and recognition of the great David Karanka Peña.
The awards granted fell on the following players:
David Karanka trophy to the player of the season 2008/2009: Ranko Despotovic
Trophy for the most charismatic player of the 2008/2009 season: Juan Cruz Ochoa
Trophy in the sporting career REAL MURCIA: Paco Peña
Special Trophy (in honor and appreciation for the work and friendship with David Karanka Peña): Manolo Álvarez
The event was also the presence as guest of Paco Gallardo, who in the 2006/2007 season had already received the Trophy this rock's most charismatic player, and the President of the FEPEMUR (Federation of Peñas Murciano), Miguel Martinez , which the great David Karanka Peña, wanted to recognize and congratulate on his election as president of that unit.
In an act that took place in a relaxed and full of humor, each of the winners, had to tell a joke, as a condition sine qua non, to receive their award, to happy attendees, who enjoyed an evening out of the ordinary and usual in this type of event.
We emphasize the humor of the winners, especially in the person of Manolo Álvarez.
The story put himself Ranko Despotovic, to tell a joke in their language Serbian, which was translated to the audience by the Vice President David Karanka Grana Peña, Javier Sánchez, also the author of the topic Heart paprika.
The event was the culmination of all the action of the joke of Beniaján, which in 2009 made its debut and coming-out in the Gran Teatro Falla de Cádiz, within Chirigotas Contest of the Andalusian city.
Photo: The four winners pose with the President of the great David Karanka Peña, Pedro Monreal Marble
Source: Peña Grana DAVID KARANKA