Begin with a presentation by Antonino González Blanco, Professor Emeritus of Ancient History at the University of Murcia, entitled "A Vision historical heritage", and then screened a series of photographs of canals, windmills, dinners, wells and other assets and liabilities of the irrigation system traditional.
The round table will intervene Javier García del Toro (Professor of Archaeology at the UMU), Julia Martínez Fernández (PhD in Biology and a researcher at the University of Murcia), José María Egea Fernández (Professor of Botany at the UMU), Manuel Muñoz Zielinski (photographer and ethnographer) and Angeles Moreno Micol (specialist in planning)
The Association for the Conservation of Huerta de Murcia, HUERMUR, organized a roundtable entitled "The Orchard today: threats and opportunities", to be held on Thursday 11 June at 8 pm at the Auditorium Annex Building (Moneo) of the City of Murcia.
This roundtable is the first of a series of seminars entitled "meetings on heritage, landscape, culture and sustainability", which will unfold throughout the year on various topics and with the participation of relevant issues related to them.
On this occasion, the theme chosen by HUERMUR, has been the state of the garden of Murcia and its future, something that this entity is working intensively towards the conservation of the heritage of this region, especially on the system Traditional irrigation ditches and shaped by the assets of this system.
The event will begin with a presentation by Antonino González Blanco, Professor Emeritus of Ancient History, entitled "A Vision historical heritage," to go ahead with a projection of photographs on "Elements property in ditches, in which images are displayed of canals, windmills, bridges, dinners and other goods, some of them disappeared, and where new images will also appear in the first half of the twentieth century.
Then, as the main event will be held a roundtable in which participants will present their views on the causes that are causing the degradation and loss of the orchard, and his vision of future direction.
In the table participate Javier García del Toro, a professor of Archaeology at the University of Murcia, Julia Martínez Fernández, doctor and researcher Bilogía UMU, José María Egea Fernández, Professor of Botany at the University of Murcia, Manuel Muñoz Zielinski, photographer and ethnographer , and Angeles Moreno Micol, Terrotorio Planning specialist.
Huermur also invited various representatives of government, public agencies, Board of Planters, and other social, cultural and neighborhood, to participate in the subsequent discussion and open question time.
The Association for the Conservation of Huerta de Murcia call on all stakeholders in Murcia heritage, culture and sustainability of our town, to come to this panel where they can contribute their suggestions and views on maintenance of the garden.
Similarly, Huermur like to invite all social, cultural, and neighborhood interested in this matter, and that many of them have been working for months to defend the heritage of the garden of Murcia, which are grouped as Collective Pro-Heritage partnerships since the destruction last year of the Oliver Mill and its shield Aljucer classified as a Cultural, when they gave birth to the movement in defense of the de la Huerta and the recovery of the traditional irrigation system ditches.
The event, organized by Huermur, with the collaboration of the Municipality of Murcia, Villa Youth Association of Aljucer, At the banks of Thader. Com, and the Collective of Associations Pro-Heritage.
Source: Asociación Juvenil Villa de Aljucer