The Basketball Club Murcia, in collaboration with the Municipality of Murcia, organized Saturday's tournament I 'Manuel Martínez' youngest category, which will feature four teams who play in this category: CB Murcia 'A', the CB Murcia 'B', the Marmara and the CB CB Moratalla.
The venue for the celebration was the Pavilion 'Federico de Arce', with the schedule of matches, which are detailed below:
From 10:00 am will be played two games: The track 1 will face the two representatives of CB Murcia.
In the 2, will do the same CB CB Marmo and Moratalla.
The fight for third place will start at 11:30 and an hour later, come the turn of the grand final to be measured in the two winners meeting at 10:00 hours.
Source: CB Murcia