The Senate of the University of Murcia has studied the Strategic Plan developed by this institution for years and was recently approved by the Governing Council, chaired by the rector, José Antonio Cobacho.
The Plan has also been analyzed by the Social Council, contains a set of principles and actions to achieve a university that enhances the quality of teaching and research and service delivery.
It aims to be increasingly embedded in regional interests and contribute to regional growth.
During the session of the Senate, held in the auditorium, next Cobacho reported termination, retirement, the University Ombudsman, Augustine Miñana.
This, said the rector, will lead to the opening next October election process to proceed with the appointment of his replacement.
The chancellor also briefed the Senate on the introduction next year of a total of 38 bachelor's degrees tailored to converged Bologna process, which makes the University of Murcia on one of the first in Spain for the high bid.
Source: Universidad de Murcia