Students from first, second and third cycle of primary south zone today receive prizes for participating in the photo contest 'I can also show solidarity "organized by the Department of Health and Human Services.
About 3,500 students from 12 schools in the territory of the Center for Social Services 'Murcia Sur' have participated in this initiative was to make a booklet setting out various scenes of daily life in which a child can be supportive.
Children in the photographs appear to collaborate with classmates, family and community.
This activity has worked values such as responsibility, fairness, honesty, friendship, generosity, respect and tolerance.
The first award was for the group 'The Cherries' Maestro Enrique Laboy CEIP de Los Dolores.
The prize is a trip to Valencia for the full course of the winning team to visit the Oceanographic Museum and the Hemisferic Prince Felipe.
The second prize winning teams have been "Green Hope" and "Solilalami 'Sculptor CEIP Aljucer González Moreno.
Receive a trip to Terra Natura (Benidorm), which involved the entire course.
The third award is for 'Solidarity are borders, "CEIP Aljucer Sculptor González Moreno.
Each student team will receive a school bag.
In addition, it has awarded diplomas to each member of the winning teams and a trophy to the school.
The Department of Health and Human Services, which runs Fulgencio Cervantes, has been developing since 2000, activities to raise awareness and promote solidarity and volunteerism.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia