The director of the Biodiversity Foundation, a public foundation of the Government of Spain, the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Ana Leiva, has participated in the presentation of the "Initiative discerned.
Sustainable Development and Conservation of Biodiversity, which took place today in Murcia.
This initiative, developed by the Association Columbares with the support of the Biodiversity Foundation and the city of Murcia, whose main objective is to contribute to the conservation of the biodiversity of the Special Protection Area for birds (SPAs) for the Monte Valle Sierra Escalona and Altaona in the Region of Murcia.
Through this project is to be achieved through environmental awareness, the involvement of landowners, social workers and people in the area.
In the framework of the Initiative will be implemented discerned a land stewardship program through an information campaign to promote this tool and the establishment of these agreements with public and private entities to facilitate the management Columbares Association.
They are also provided for the holding of conferences on sustainable development in the area and the development of a manual of good environmental practices with input from experts from the Directorate General of the Environment and the University of Murcia.
You can develop a sustainable management plan for farms of the SPA.
To sensitize the population on existing environmental values in the SPA at Monte Valley and Sierra de Escalona and Altaona and involve them in the conservation of this natural area, have launched several initiatives.
Among them is the issue of educational materials and an education campaign aimed at schools as well as the general population and other specific groups.
After the presentation of the project, took place the inauguration of the Office of Environmental Information Columbres Power at the Port of Garruchal.
Source: MARM