The collaboration between the Department of Environment and Urban Quality, Columbares Association, the Biodiversity Foundation and the Ministry of Agriculture and Water has been allowed to carry out the Initiative discerned "with which it seeks to promote the involvement of different social groups in the conservation and sustainable development of the Special Protection Area for Birds (SPA) of the Valley and Sierras Monte Escalona and Altaona.
Thus, this project is to involve society in the conservation of nature while also advises owners, farmers and other stakeholders on best practices for economic activity is more compatible with the natural values presents this environment.
Among the actions to be carried out was the implementation of a Land Stewardship Program, developing a manual of good environmental practice, environmental awareness campaign for schools and population of the area and the implementation of office of information and environmental assessment of the SPA.
Although the initiative was established Columbro permanent contact with the majority of the SPA groups such as neighborhood associations, homeowners, hunters, conservation associations.
In the environmental information office of the SPA will offer advice to owners about financial aid for sustainable management, environmental information will be distributed to the areas and will serve as a venue for project events such as meetings with groups or chats.
Columbro Initiative also includes a Land Stewardship Program, which is signed by a number of agreements for actions to improve and increase environmental awareness.
Moreover, in the Manual of Good Environmental Practices of the SPA, which will be available in the Office of Environmental Information, will gather all available information on sustainable agriculture, forest treatment, waste management, improvement of habitat and native species.
This protected area receives more than a million views, has hunting farms and crops of high value and is home to endangered species.
Mountain areas of El Valle and saw Altaona and Escalona are listed as the second largest ornithological the region and one of the most important nationally for its stable populations and dispersal of large predatory
Municipal activities in the Natura 2000 network
In this way, the City continues promoting action in the environment of the Red Natura 2000 (Carrascoy - El Valle and Monte SPA Valley and Sierras de Altaona and Escalona).
- Currently, the municipality of Murcia has 557 million m2 of protected land (undeveloped) for their environmental interest, forestry, productive and landscape (63% of the total area of the municipality is protected as undeveloped land.)
Of this, 78 million m2 under the Site of Community Carrascoy-El Valle and 148 million m2 to the SPA Monte El Valle, and Escalona Altaona saws.
For its part, the White Mahal is a municipal forest park of 800 hectares located at the Site of Community Interest Carrascoy-El Valle, which has great environmental and cultural values.
In recent years the White Mahal has become an attraction for many visitors throughout the year, both to participate in the activities planned by the City Council to take tours to enjoy their environment (There are 5 short-distance routes well marked).
At present it is enabling a space as Interpretation Centre Municipal Park.
Has been established as a hunting lodge, with
purpose of promoting the conservation of wildlife and the environment in which
live, hunting is therefore prohibited.
- Increased municipal forest heritage: The adoption of the new partial plans are not zoned developable land in scheme compatible with the maintenance and improvement of the environment involves the transfer to the municipality of at least 25% of the area
floor plan as part of environmental improvement.
This area will
allow for an increase in the coming years, the forest estate
bulletin, the most of it within the scope of spaces
Natura 2000 network
With this bill, the municipal forest estate has built up
date 1,600 hectares, in addition to the 1,161 that were already owned by the municipality before the adoption of this measure.
Much of the land ceded part of SCI or SPA areas of the municipality with what is retrieved as a public space areas that have some level of protection.
- Agreements with NGOs in the municipality for the management of farm forestry
City: Murcia City Council held since 2007, three agreements to NGOs in the county (and ADESGA Columbares Association) to participate in the management of municipal properties located in areas within the SPA on a model of land stewardship.
The performances on these farms consists in recovering the traditional agricultural landscape, silvicultural management of existing forests, reforestation and improvement of woody vegetation, recovery, if any, of rural architecture, monitoring and protection of wildlife and disclosure of environmental values of the area through environmental education activities in coordination with those managed by the City.
They have signed two agreements for the management of an estate of 22.5 hectares, located in the Sierra de Altaona, and another farm of 17.5 hectares located in the Sierra de Villares.
It is expected to increase in coming years the number of municipal forest acres managed under this model.
Have also reached agreements with municipal associations to develop educational activities to improve the environment in unique areas of the municipality, as was the case of the Spot
Contraparada (point of origin of the Huerta de Murcia) with the Association of Southeastern Naturalist.
-Outreach and Advocacy: The City of Murcia has collaboration agreements with Adesga and Columbares Association to develop various awareness and dissemination activities within the scope of the SPA.
With ADESGA has launched the project "where the owl lives" and Columbares Association carried out education activities, environmental awareness and outreach to promote the Centre's operating environment and solar energy that manages the association.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia