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Doubt: "We will fight to finish the tie in two games and our favor" (28/05/2009)

El Pozo Murcia Galician land travels to face an unprecedented duel with the Lobelle of Santiago, because for the first time will be rivals in the semifinals of the league title.

The group led by Sao Thiago Eduardo 'Duda' go with high spirits after eliminating the fast track to MRA Navarra and chaining ten consecutive wins, while the squad santiaguesa want to keep fighting for the title after winning in three games Benicarló Aeroport Castelló.

The semifinal will be key to victory in the opener.

Therefore, the squad of El Pozo Murcia is: Juanjo, Caio, Kike, Álvaro, Wilde, Marcelo, Vinicius, Ciço, Mauritius, Saul, Raul and Jorge Barroso.

"They have many virtues, but the main pressure on the ball and the rhythm that gets into the game, pressure defense and in all parts of the track, even with the doorman player.

Risk is a team that works out much and when is a dangerous team, "said Murcia coach set his concern regarding the Lobelle.

In the penultimate league match, Lobelle ElPozo was over in their court ... this game is making reference?

Doubt: "I always reference it, but be careful to use what matters, not see the advantage broad, and look over when we was 0-0 or 1-0 right away, and both giving gifts to us did that made us get ahead. "

"Marcelo is fully recovered?

Duda: "Marcelo is working normal now Saul drag on right now.

Sprained last Tuesday, but is training with others and be fit for Saturday. "

Do you think it will be a three-game semifinal?

Doubt: "It may be, but we will fight to make it in two games and our favor.

We need to get this game very well, right now, is key "

Would you come back around to Lobelle the three games against the Benicarló?

Doubt: "I think not, but when it happens to you think so.

That is relative.

Sincerely fatigue in the head.

The Lobelle only have one player who participated in the World Cup, and that counts a lot.

Have had ample time during the season to prepare well this final stretch.

We do not, because we had almost the entire staff and then playing the World Cup matches with the national team. "

Does Lobelle equal playing outside than inside?

Question: "If the ball and looking a lot to play four, bringing the game to win then the back of the opposing team.

It is a very well trained and have many resources.

But I am also convinced that we can counter these issues if we are focused. "

At this point, is it more important to defend or attack?

Duda: "One thing leads to another.

If you defend well you have a chance to create superiority and attack better, if it is against a less is more easy.

And if you attack your opponent wrong give advantage to the contras.

This is the game of football, you have to be better than the rival.

I always say the playoffs, the Cup of Spain and other titles are won with great defense. "

Source: Agencias

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