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The Workshop looks at the new stage in human resources management (21/05/2009)

The seventh edition of the International Workshop on Human Resources, which takes place today, March 21, and tomorrow in the Chamber of the Faculty of Arts, was opened by the Vice Chancellor for Economic Antonio Calvo-Flores.

During the conference will present research and will discuss the current state of human resources, strategic and international management of these and the changes and new technologies in the management of this discipline.

Cooperation strategies, organizational behavior and leadership and diversity of the workforce will be other issues to be discussed at the Workshop, which first developed in the University of Murcia.

For this edition, with the presence of leading researchers in the field of human resources, such as Professors Peter Cappelli from the University of Pennsylvania, Anne Tsui, University of Arizona, and Jaap Paauwe, Professor at the University of Tilburg.

The Workshop is organized by the Department of Management and Finance, University of Murcia in collaboration with the University of Cadiz and Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla.

Source: Universidad de Murcia. Fotos: Juanchi López

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