Murcia celebrates fifth consecutive Internet Day with activities aimed at all audiences, to be held throughout the day in the Avenida Alfonso X El Sabio, with special attention to the young.
The goal is to make a public event open to all citizens, to "live" World Internet Day and communicating the involvement of the City of Murcia in the development and use of new technologies.
A new feature included in the commemoration of this year is to open wifi spots in the city, from which you can access only the websites of government, a free consultation until Sunday.
These points are located in Glorieta Spain, Plaza del Cardenal Belluga, Bridge Hazards, Floridablanca Garden Plaza Santo Domingo, Teatro Romea.
The opening hours of the booths is 10 to 14 and from 16.30 to 20.30.
Today's activities are:
10 to 14hrs:
Live graffiti contest with the theme "Social Networks."
Essay contest institutes.
Theme "what a day without the Internet."
The authorities jury will award the 5 most original compositions.
The award will be provided by the sponsors of the International Day for the Internet.
Live graffiti contest with the theme "Social networks and Internet."
Next generation gaming
Internet shops:
Social Networks
Hall learning courses
Games: Pixeart and Papercraft
16.30 to 20 hrs.
Location: 2x3 boards placed around the Avenida Alfonso X.
Games: Pixeart and Papercraft
Internet Workshops: Social Networking, Hall-learning courses, online games, thematic workshops with the Internet.
18:00 hrs: The jury selects the winner of graffiti
There will be balloons, juice and pastries for all attendees
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia