"The university system is in need of student participation in university life," he assured the Director General of University Policy, Ministry of Education, Felipe Pétriz, and the inauguration of the International Congress of Quality, "Meetings on Quality in Higher Education 2009 ', which took place today in the UCAM and will conclude tomorrow.
In the opening ceremony of the Congress have intervened University Policy Director General of the Ministry of Education, Felipe Pétriz, the director of the ANECA, Gemma Rauret, the director of the ENQA, Bruno Curvale, the Minister of University and Research Company Murcia, Salvador Marín, among others.
Under the title, 'The participation of students in the processes of quality assessment', experts have discussed the role of students as the center of the Bologna Process.
The day of the week has focused on the student as the center of the Bologna Process.
The Director General University Policy has He notes that "we must make this reform the university system, improving public service."
Felipe Pétriz encouraged the university to participate in the reform process and stressed that failure to take into account the proposals of these students will not participate.
For its part, the Director of the ANECA, Gemma Rauret has lectured on 'student participation in the processes of quality assessment. "
The speaker explained that students are already part of the assessment commissions Skills Branch develops ANECA.
On the work of these, the speaker said that "they must think and act considering the impact that a proposal will have on the future education for students."
Include the presentation of the President of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), Curvale Bruno, who has admitted that there are difficulties in the reform process in which we are "but this should be an incentive", has qualified .
Similarly, stressed that "we must take into account the increased number of students to understand what is happening to higher education."
On the day of the week, spoke the director of the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR), Colin TUC, who explained, among other things, the context in which it is developing the process of change in highlighting demand for information and transparency, protection of students and increasing application of the European dimension.
The Catholic University president, José Luis Mendoza, who has defined himself as a champion of the Bologna Process, said that "in the UCAM believe that the student should be more involved"
Throughout the day have been carried out, in addition to lectures, a workshop on 'The role of students in the University Quality Assessment', and a workshop session about 'Internal System Assurance Quality: the participation of students in following lessons. "
Source: UCAM