The Department of Social Welfare, which runs María del Carmen Pelegrin, has organized workshops on the prevention of gender violence will be developed in the Associations and Centres for Women in the Municipality of Murcia, in order to raise awareness of the causes and consequences of violence against women to make it ever more visible by creating awareness about the problem.
This is the workshop participants have the tools for their detection and to eliminate factors that cause, ie sexism and gender inequality.
This program is developed through the collaboration agreement between the Institute of Women of the Region of Murcia and Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo and directs all Murcia, especially women's associations.
In general, there are two main objectives towards which should focus on preventing violence against women:
- Maximize your visibility through the identification and recognition of all its manifestations (psychological and physical violence), its form of appearance and dynamics in order to facilitate early detection.
- Minimize your tolerance through critical questioning and changing beliefs, myths and cultural and social attitudes that favor maintenance, through strategies focused on non-sexist and equal education and social awareness.
It is a fact that one in three women worldwide are victims of violence by the mere fact of being female.
This is a global problem that transcends cultures, countries, social classes or age.
According to United Nations in the fight to eradicate the problem is absolutely necessary to start from the premise that violence against women is a violation of human rights.
When it comes to violence against women is domestic violence called to signal the importance of culture in it, stressing the distinction between the concept of sex, which refers to biological differences between men and women and the concept of gender, referred to the different features and roles they should have and play men and women.
Thus, the male is linked to the public sphere and the feminine power and the domestic world and the care of others.
In the process of socialization of men and women will internalize these traits and different roles through family, school, religion, media, progressively diluting its character of social construction to finish presenting themselves as something associated with sex natural and determined by biology, in a clever strategy of patriarchal culture to avoid even the question.
Those interested in attending these workshops please contact:
Department of Social Welfare, Gender Equality Policies and Citizenship.
Women's Section (tel:. 968358600 Ext: 2006 / 2003 / 2028 / 2038 or the Associations and Women's Centers in their neighborhood or hamlet.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia