Prominent personalities from the world of nursing has been given to know his views on the nursing diagnosis
"There are diagnostic in the schedules of nursing diagnoses that are clamoring for change," Linda assured Juall, ChesPenn of Health Services, at the closing ceremony of the VII Workshop AENTDE '"Redefining the nursing diagnosis?: Mamma Mia!, which began yesterday at the UCAM.
In the day today intervened Juall Linda, the director of Area 9, Madrid, María Girbes, the professor of nursing at the University Ramon Llull of Barcelona, Carme Espinosa, the president of AENTDE, Rosa Gonzales and the director of the School Nursing UCAM, Paloma Echevarría, among others.
In the closing ceremony has released the findings from the various conferences and working group sessions held throughout the day.
All have agreed to point out, as one of the advantages of diagnostic monitoring is part of the nursing diagnosis, as proposed by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA), and the nurse would be wholly or partially responsible for the desired results in the patient, among other things, the classification has only internationally.
As for weaknesses, have clarified that the failure to include it would rename what is now named, thereby increasing the complexity at the conceptual level.
Note the involvement of Linda Juall Cardenito-Moyet, who said that "we must examine how to help nurses to enable it to support the people," and added that "we must always remember what is the priority of the patient" .
Source: UCAM