Fourteen buildings and churches receive municipal aid to fix their facades and preserve heritage.
The City Council has resolved the competition for the restoration of building facades civilian ownership and private use and restoration of religious buildings and public facilities, which every year organizes the Planning Department.
In particular, this year will be granted 336,000 euros for the settlement of 14 buildings that are:
-C / Carnation, 19
-Balsas Plaza, 2
-Arco de San Juan, Plaza Ceballos
-C / García Alix, 6 and 8
-C / Pío Baroja, 4 and 6 (Infante)
-C / Gómez Cortina, 8
-C / Calderon de la Barca
Parish Church-San Jose de la Vega
Javalí-Old Parish Church
-Church of Our Lady of Mount Caramel Avileses
"Ermita San Jose Obrero neighborhood of El Raal
-Church of Our Lady of the Rosary of Bacons Bridge
-Church of Christ of the Mercy of the Garres
-Church of Our Lady of Beautiful Love, Barrio San Jose de Los Garres
For grants has been taken into account the requests for restoration of facades of buildings declared BIC or located in your environment, requests for restoration of facades of listed buildings or listed in chest or in the revised General Plan.
Requests also have priority in the proposed comprehensive restoration actions facades.
No grants to owners of buildings to be demolished or have been demolished.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia