The Murcia who have asked residents to buy a seat in the car park will be built in the garden of St. Stephen will know if they are part of the final list of applicants from next Wednesday.
To do so, the contractor has an office open to the public in Lepanto Street, number 6, ground floor, corner of Constitution Avenue.
The schedule will be Monday to Friday from 9.30 am to 14 pm and from 16.30 to 20 hours.
Those who have requested space must go personally to their national identity.
In addition there are four other ways to contact the dealer: a telephone (968-817986), fax (968-271634), an e-mail address ( and a website ( .
In addition, the contractor will begin to call all applicants who meet the requirements to see if they still want to apply for a parking space.
Remember that the requirements have been established are:
The first is to have requested space before January 20, 2008, date to be set as the deadline for doing so.
Also must be registered at the home of some of the streets of the specified areas before June 1, 2005 or included in the register of business tax on the same date, and further registered today.
In addition applicants must be 18 years old before December 31 this year and own a vehicle (not motorcycle).
In awarding the resident places four criteria will be followed by removing the applications from those who have already obtained a place in the parking lot being built on the Avenue de La Libertad.
- From the list of applicants who have provided distinguished certificate or IMAS ISSORM which reflects the degree of disability as a person with reduced mobility.
- The list of persons with reduced mobility will be ordered by the degree certificate and its vicinity area, winning 32 seats and the reserved.
"The rest of people with disabilities who do not get reduced time are included in the overall list of the proximity zone that applies.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia