As is customary each year, the Mayor, Miguel Angel House, has chaired this morning the official reception hosted by the City Council candidates for Mayor and Child Flagship of the Federation of Moros y Cristianos.
House has been delivered to each of a City Council logo badge and I said a few words of welcome and has moved its desire to be "fully enjoy the holidays and activities that await you" and "take advantage of these weeks to have fun. "
The seven major candidates are:
Ruano Deyanira Navarro, mesna Knights and Ladies of Our Lady of the Arrixaca.
Fuensanta Garcia Noguera, mesna Host of Fernando III.
Ana Guerrero Victoria, Headquarters of the Knights Templar.
Saray Castejón Riquelme, Kabila Rahman II
Lacálcel María Jesús Carretero, Kabila Inb Arabi
María Pérez Montesinos, Almoravides of Mursiya Kabila.
Lorena Morales Lucas, Abu-L'Abbé Kabila
Candidates children are:
Ruano Tania Navarro, mesna Knights and Ladies of Our Lady of the Arrixaca.
Aitana Lizan Colomina, headquarters of the Knights Templar.
Maria de la Arrixaca Zaida Lopez Capel, Kabila Almoravides of Mursiya.
Irem María Muñoz Domínguez, Aben-Mardenix Kabila.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia