The balconies, terraces and courtyards of the houses Murcia flourish thanks to the project 'Put nature in your life', which has launched the Federation of Neighborhood Associations in the Municipality of Murcia, in collaboration with the Department of Environment and Urban Quality Fernando & Son Florist.
This effort starts with training courses, completely free, in which the Murcia can learn different notions of gardening, such as the type of plants suited to the climate, the planting, watering and fertilization, orientation, how to make grafts ...
In addition to the lectures, those registered will receive practical classes and other material.
Once the necessary knowledge, the Murcia will be put into practice on balconies, terraces and courtyards of their houses.
Thus, participation in a contest to be held in mid May which will award you've gotten the better ornamentation.
The first prize is 450 euros, the second 300 and third 150.
Although the training course has already started, anyone who wants to can sign up by filling out a subscription form can be obtained at the headquarters of the Federation (Calle San Patricio, Number 10, 2, gate 1).
Classes will be held the last Thursday of each month, until April 20 to 21 hours.
Now it is targeted around a hundred people from both the village as villages.
The aim with this project is that Murcia cooperate in improving the environment of the municipality, and to promote the awareness of citizens to nature by growing flowers and plants and thereby contribute to the beautification.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia