On the morning of Friday 20 February, the director general of Immigration and Volunteer of the Ministry of Social Policy, Women and Immigration Regional Government, Leopoldo Navarro Quiles, and the director of Radio ECCA Foundation, Antonio Abril Fernandez, have staged a table work in which April-technical staff together with their entity-Navarro explained to the various projects being carried out on immigration.
Thus, Navarro has been informed of the project "Involvement in the educational field, surrounded the performance area of education and culture of the" Plan for Social Integration of Immigrants in the Region of Murcia 2006-2009 "funded by the Directorate General Regional Government Immigration.
A project that includes two main lines of action on the one hand, the educational support for immigrant children, targeting children curricular gap immigrants, language difficulties, general school delay or socio-integration problems, and, secondly, a service of intercultural mediation, whose aim is to bring fathers and mothers of immigrant students to the school and boost their participation in school activities.
As part of this meeting, the leaders of the Foundation have presented to Navarro the results of this program, carried out in areas of the capital with a special concentration of foreigners, as the district of Los Rosales.
Also, April has explained how Ecca Radio Foundation is stepping in with this project in a total of 22 schools from kindergarten and primary Murcia, Head of Torres, El Palmar, Sewer, Los Dolores, Bacons Bridge, Molina de Segura and Nonduermas.
At this meeting, Navarro has also been informed of maintenance Ecca Radio Foundation is conducting comprehensive care service to immigrants.
For his part, Navarro has praised the work that the Foundation has developed Radio ECCA both schoolchildren and their families and also thanked the efforts of this organization to present the balance of their work.
According to Leopoldo Navarro, this is "the best way to check whether the projects fit the original idea, and if they have complied or not the aim pursued."
It should be noted that in addition to specific acts of academic support, the technicians of Radio ECCA Foundation also worked with families of immigrant children to improve their knowledge of the Spanish education system.
Source: Radio ECCA Fundación