shows pictures of women showing their bodies after having had cancer] | The exhibition is the first step of the NGO Guapa!, which seeks to provide cosmetic care for women who have had aggressive medical treatment |
Space Molinos del Rio Stables display until March 12, photographed the bodies of about thirty women who have had cancer, teaching, thus, how a body can remain beautiful even though they had a disease.
Beautiful exposure!
is the first step in the journey of the nonprofit organization that bears the same name, whose goal is to provide cosmetic care to all women who undergo aggressive medical treatment.
His philosophy is to improve the physical appearance of patients as a motivator and promoter of his recovery.
All photographs were taken by Katharina Mouratidi, and the show has been organized through collaboration between the Department of Culture, Guapa!
Onco-Aesthetic Foundation, the Institute of Women of the Region of Murcia and Germinal Communication.
These portraits are intended to sensitize the society and to support and encourage cancer patients and family members involving them strength, courage and bravery of women with breast cancer.
The exhibition will open Thursday at 19 hours, with talk-talk 'Aesthetics is a weapon' in which speakers will include Director of the Institute for Women, Teresa Moreno, the psycho-oncologist Fabiola Cortes and the Association President Guapa!, Ignacio García.
Admission is free until all places.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia