Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas and Taryet will charge companies to realize the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.
The City will invest 359,600 euros in this project.
The Plan aims to integrate urban development and territorial mobility to facilitate the accessibility of citizens to its activities with the least environmental impact and safely as possible.
This will create a global vision of mobility in the municipality of Murcia to facilitate decision making on issues related to traffic, transport and municipal development.
• different to pedestrian areas, to facilitate walking tours.
• Reduced congestion and the effects of congestion (noise, pollution, accidents).
• Use of alternative transportation: biking, and others to reduce lamovilidad by private vehicle.
• Public transport: overview to encourage the use of bus, tram and others.
• Provisions for public transport to reduce the use of private transport and consequently, congestion and pollution, cutting the use of renewable energies and the duration of the tours.
• In the new urban developments, incorporating these new criteria to provide road space for public transport.
The Plan will be part of the European guidelines for cities over 100,000 inhabitants trying to reduce the negative impact of traffic and congestion, valuing all transportation-betting on the most efficient, to reduce the negative impact of traffic congestion vial.
Be developed through four phases.
Basic information, analysis and diagnosis of the situation on demographic and economic trends, roads, land use, public transport, traffic, parking and environmental and energy issues.
Defining the strategic framework that sets out the objectives of the plan.
City Council shall, with the winner of this work, objectives and priorities
Development of the operational proposals
Future prospects, strategies, regulatory and policy measures will be developed.
Sustainable mobility has become a concern shared by most European cities that are committed to quality in the May 1 public transport, promoting non-motorized modes of mobility and the efficient use of resources from an environmental perspective and energy.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia