The Sports Council renewed the cooperation agreement it has with the Sports Volunteer Association, as approved by the Board of Governors today.
The Consistory will allocate 36,000 euros for the cost of this non-profit association and volunteers provide uniform (a jogging suit, two shirts and some shorts) for the job.
Sports Volunteers assist in organizing sports events.
Among other things, participate in the program of Sport in School-Age Child school championships (phase municipal), city championship 'Ciudad de Murcia' campaign 'Sport in the street', promoting the campaign 'Learn a sport' and coordinate the contest City of drawing and painting and photography to school sports.
They also conduct training courses for new volunteers.
In addition, volunteers help in all sporting events developed by the City championships in Spain and the World, Olympic conferences and events organized by municipal boards, clubs and sporting bodies of the municipality.
The functions of the volunteers is coordinating transportation of people competing, transfers of material, arbitration ...
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia