The Third Conference UCAM Medialab have concluded today, after presentations by experts in communication and training chief editor of El Pais, de la Fuente Chiqui and the creator of TVE 2.0 Open House.
Chiqui de la Fuente, has said during his speech that "traditional media will not disappear by the crisis or the Internet."
The day of the week has started with the intervention of professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Josu Mezo.
'Errors and bungling of the Spanish press: wrong numbers, wrong graphics, software failures, misconceptions and misinterpretations of scientific data ...', statistics are the words that define your blog, Malaprensa, where it picks up errors committed daily in the Spanish press.
For this teacher, a graduate in law, journalism, "there are many opinions, some original work of investigation, interviews and loosely bad."
It has also ensured that all this is because "the opinion is cheaper than information."
The coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in E-Learning Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Carlos Albaladejo, has focused his remarks on the professional digital identity.
The journalist, has said that the first thing we have to do is find our name on Google, "because every time, our role becomes more digital image," he stressed.
The conference last week has given the editorial training manager for 'El País', Chiqui de la Fuente, entitled' Digital vs.
Analog: two formats, the same profession. "
De la Fuente, has argued that "traditional media will not disappear by the crisis or the Internet."
The speaker has said that "the digital world allows you to include on the same page, and with respect, image, sound and text."
Similarly, De la Fuente, said that "the Internet can extend the news once made, to know what you think your users and use mobile devices that give you much freedom."
On the day of the week, the head of Digital Communication Expo 2008, Juanlu Sánchez, under the motto "The most important thing is you ', explained how it was the media during the Expo 2008 and what the current media situation communication.
According to Sanchez, "may not be necessary for the journalist travels the world, denouncing, but denounces the world."
The conference closed the journalist and creator of TVE 2.0 Open House, Georgina Cisquella, who has narrated his experience at Open House.
"When we create, we would receive a flood of videos, but this has not happened," she added.
The journalist, has confessed that despite everything, "keep saying that we must continue to be reported in the newspapers."
Source: UCAM