Territorial President of the Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo (CAM)
Angel Martinez, spoke this morning at the UCAM, the conference `The
Financial System: Status and Prospects' framed Days
Communication from the Catholic University.
Martinez discussed during
intervention, the present and the future of the financial system and highlighted the
need to regain confidence, to overcome the crisis.
are facing a global crisis, financial, real estate and energy, without
unprecedented, "he said.
Angel Martinez reported the severity of the economic situation at all levels
and stressed the need for concrete and urgent measures to alleviate the
The expert said about the alarming increase in defaults, the
loss of confidence in financial markets and the alarming increase
"The financial system has been turned upside down in just over a
year, which has led to an alarming loss of confidence globally, which is
necessary to recover. "
Martinez also reiterated that "the labor market in Spain
is deteriorating rapidly, as evidenced by the figures of unemployment, higher
to those of other countries in the eurozone, which is serious and worrying. "
Territorial President of CAM, the principal insisted that social policy should
be based on job creation by companies, for what is
necessary to promote human and industrial potential and adapt the business environment
current situation of crisis.
"It is necessary to recover the efficiency, profitability and
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
are facing a dramatic situation requires a rapid response by the
government, "he said.
Source: UCAM