The series 'Clubtura', organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, held tomorrow the fourth session of short films with the screening of three films on a common theme: old age.
The films 'The First Time', 'The Dish' and 'Customer' are three stories that show characters away from the stereotypical image of older people portrayed as individuals with a well-defined personality.
The evening will begin at 23:00 hours in Atomic with a screening of 'The First Time "by director Bob Cobeaga, a story about the possibility of experiencing new experiences when death is just around the corner.
Cobeaga received for this work, the Special Jury Prize for Best Short Film Festival of Gijón and Gold Dancing in the Huesca Film Festival in 2007 was nominated for an Oscar for best short for 'were few. "
'The Dish', Xavi Sala, will be screened at 23:30 pm in the Art Forum (AF).
It tells the story of a man who decides to build a homemade antenna when it breaks during a television broadcast of the Pope's visit.
Alicante is the principal author of several film scripts and treatments for feature films.
The last of the shorts can be seen on Friday is 'Customer Service' by Marcos Valin & David Alonso, to be screened at The Yesería at 24:00.
In this work, which received the Award for Best Animated Short Film at the Shanghai International Festival in 2008 and was nominated for the Goya Awards in the category of animation this year, the directors play with the contrast between the futuristic and drawings classics.
The three films will be re-projected onto the FA on Friday 12 December.
'Clubtura' is a program launched by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, through the Youth Institute and coordinated by the director Murcia Gonzalo Ballester.
In programming, the films always have a theme in common.
Previous editions have covered topics including immigration, changes in life and travel.
'The first time'
'The Dish'
Source: CARM