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The City continues to promote youth and job creation (04/12/2008)

The Department of Youth and Employment, headed María Dolores Sánchez, commitment to youth and employment creation to consolidate its budget.

In total, the budget of the Youth area amounts to 2,860,907 euros, mostly invested in youth centers (La Nave, Yesqueros), grants to youth groups and summer activities.

For 2009 the main objective is the integration of people with disabilities and immigrants.

In the area of employment, the budget amounts to 4,272,284 euros.

The Department directed by María Dolores Sánchez aims to provide a service to citizens to find employment or improve their existing projects and support companies that are born.

During the first quarter of next year, the Youth Council and the Informajoven, will move into the street chronicler Carlos Valcarcel, with the aim of providing young people with information in a centralized and easily accessible.

Specifically, Youth allocate 20% of the budget (more than 400,000 euros) to the maintenance and scheduling for ten months a year in juvenile facilities centers mainly Yesqueros and La Nave.

Youth associations will be 15.60% of the budget (350,000 euros).

The third major item of the budget is aimed at activities that take place in summer, more than 285,000 euros invested, 13% of the budget.

These activities are aimed at young people to learn a language other than their own, to supplement their training and know other cultures.

The Municipal Plan Youth Exchange turns 13 in 2009 will reach 300 young people, with preference given to participants between 14 and 18.

Summer camps are aimed at protecting the environment and the knowledge of the natural.

300 places are planned.

Scholarships for language travel in Britain will reach 100 young people.

The remaining budget is intended to Youth:

The competition Young Municipal Building is 17 years with 11.53% of the budget.


Will be allocated 10% of the budget (230,000 euros).


The next year the program for the Leisure NETWORKS 10 years old.

This project proposes activities during the weekends for young people to develop healthy habits.

During the ten months of programming will be invested EUR 200,000 (10% of total budget).

20% of the remaining budget be used to strengthen program activities, EVS, extracurricular activities in secondary schools, organizing courses, conferences, meetings ...

In addition, the Youth Council has grants from the European Union or by the Government to carry out projects with young people.

The main activities in this field are:

The City Council is coordinating a project of the European Voluntary Service, funded by the EU, which envisages the participation of 24 young volunteers from America and Europe.

The project began in November this year, ending October 2010 and has 200,000 euros.

Youth also coordinating a project to adapt the youth information centers for persons with disabilities.

This initiative will be held in 2009 and has 100,000 euros of EU funding.

In addition the Council is awaiting confirmation of a grant of 100,000 euros for a project of integration of young immigrants.

In the area of employment is a priority to help people find employment, training people to find work and support those who decide to start their own business.

In addition, studies are conducted to guide the employment and training service municipal applications for employment that arise in society.

Also, the school workshop has a dual role because people who are training centers of the City perform practices while building facilities for the municipality.

The main activities in the area of employment are:

Action job coaching and support self-employment.

Is expected to be attended to 1,550 users.

This program will invest 206,211 euros.

Local employment centers.

Are launched with the Institute for Women and Youth.

It handles job search depending on the profile.

Is expected to draw 5,800 people and invested 58,058 euros.

Job Club.

Support tool for job seekers independently.

Can access the facilities of the Agency of Local Development from 8 to 22 hours, Monday through Friday.

Initial Qualification Training Program.

Aimed at young people between 16 and 20 years who have not obtained the ESO.

Are prepared for the workplace.

It serves 154 users and invested 528,000 euros.

It offers training in carpentry, painter, electro and communications facilities, welding and steel construction, cooking, hairdressing, beauty, computer ...

Occupational training courses.

Vocational training for the unemployed.

Be attended to 185 users and will be allocated 664,780 euros.

It offers training in cooking, waiter, plumber, plasterer, carpenter, gardener, building maintainer, painter, air conditioners, tree trimmer and professional sound engineer.

School workshop.

Program aimed at children under 25 years in which trains young people while building municipal buildings.

Currently under way is the Local Police Headquarters of The Pool and Youth Center in Juan de Borbón.

This project involves 100 users and are invested 1,241,688 euros.

Employment Workshop.

It targets unemployed people over 25 years.

It works in the kitchen area, air conditioning, welding, renewable energy and healthcare.

40 students will be met and will be allocated 817,584 euros.


The Department supports the implementation of service serene in Murcia with two agreements with trade associations and Murcia Centro Barrio del Carmen.

Hall's contribution is EUR 1,710,456.

Competition for business projects.

This year celebrates 17 years and spent nearly 38,000.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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