Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


The City Council is part of the Public Transport Region (27/11/2008)

The City Council will join the Public Transport Authority of the Region of Murcia.

This has been approved today at the regular plenary session in November, with the votes for the government team.

Thus, this entity may exercise its powers in the municipality.

Among other issues, have also begun to name the files the city adopted children to Pilar de la Cierva, Maid of the Virgin of Fuensanta, the lawyer Manuel Albaladejo and writer Arturo Perez Reverte.

On the other hand, has also approved that the City request the National Government that next year is to take various measures to provide liquidity to the municipalities, thus ensuring the provision of public services.

Other measures seek to be restored in the General Budget for 2009 to 940 million euros that have been cut municipal funding, creating a local credit line amounting to 5,000 million euros, to finance the payment delays to the companies that build many municipalities and endorse the State guarantee debt issues of major municipalities.

Also ask the National Government to accept the proposed amendments of the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces to draft Budget Law which were approved unanimously by all political parties and only voted for the PP in Congress.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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