Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


The delegate of the Government is willing to promote among the local administrations Recovery Project of the old railway line from South Coast (11/11/2008)

The government delegate in Murcia, Rafael González Tovar, considers that the Draft Recovery neighborhood old railway line to the South Coast is a need to improve communications in the area and quality of life of citizens of the eight localities .

This morning had a meeting with representatives of neighborhood associations in the hamlets of Zeneta, Stables, The Ramos, Torreagüera, Beniaján, San José de la Vega, The Open and The Sorrows of Murcia, which has been submitted "Project Recovery-old railway line Torreagüera Murcia, in order to support this initiative.

Neighbours raised the need to recover the line of conventional railway track, disabled after the new route of the AVE for the construction of a new line of communication to the public transport, bicycle lane and pedestrian walkway between these populations and the urban center city of Murcia.

González Tovar has valued the project very positively and expressed its willingness to promote it among state and municipal government agencies.

Believes it would be good for the people who both reached an agreement, the state, through ADIF for the transfer of such land, the city of Murcia to implement public transport lines and functional art in the area.

The Government delegate, who has examined the plans presented by the neighbors, he understands that this is an interesting project for the social benefits that would accrue to the inhabitants of these districts, it would allow people to articulate the city quickly and being respectful of the environment, and cultural and architectural heritage of the area.

Source: Delegación del Gobierno en Murcia

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