A total of 367 of children, of different nationalities and 36 schools in Murcia (already confirmed) will benefit from this course and Support Project for Strengthening the School Standards Integration and Immigrant Children, conducted by the departments of Services Social and Education.
This project, which begins a new journey this school year and that has been developing since 1998, is being coordinated from the three local centers of Social Services (Ciudad de Murcia, Murcia Murcia South and North) in districts and districts with double aim to promote a real integration of immigrant children and to reduce conditions conducive to truancy and school failure among this population sector.
"Both councils must go from the hands, because we believe that to establish truly effective programs, aimed at promoting the integration process, we must direct our efforts toward full enrollment of less."
The recipients of the project are immigrant children in compulsory schooling, the schools in Murcia, the possibility exists to extend or reduce the age at other educational levels (kindergarten).
Information campaign
New this year is launching an information campaign in which we explain the development of the whole project is Llava jointly by the departments of Education and Social Services.
It has released a CD containing the complete contents of the project and sent to those schools seeking to develop such a program.
Over the past year, the number of schools that have participated have been 31, of which 25 are primary schools and six secondary schools and benefited a total of 322 immigrants, aged between 6 and 16.
The project, which has been improved substantially for this course, as they have had to increase human resources at a cost of 158,000 euros per year and is part of the program of activities planned by the City Council in the framework of the activities planned for strengthening integration and education of the immigrant population.
Evolution of the immigrant population
To get an idea of the importance of this sector of the population is enough to say that the whole of the Region of Murcia, in 1994, had enrolled only 515 immigrant students, and that January 1, 2008 were registered in the municipality Murcia, 8,561 children under 16 from other countries, of which 6,663 were between 3 and 15 years, being therefore in school.
Although within the immigrant population group Spanish-speaking children, consisting mainly of Ecuadorians (22.5%), Bolivians (8.5%) and Colombia (5%) is currently the highest, it must be relevance they currently have other groups, especially the Arabic-speaking, which represented 27% of the immigrant population (24.6% of Moroccan origin), the Saharan origin (21.8%), with a great diversity of languages, Ukrainian represent 6.3%, 3.1% Bulgarians, Romanians for 2.4, and the Chinese, 1.6%.
The project consists of three programs run simultaneously.
One of its main characteristics is that, although developed in the morning, this is a project that fits the needs of students, teachers and family.
The project is carried out by eight professionals with linguistic and cultural knowledge of the countries of origin, is performed during the entire course with a total of 265 hours.
The action lines are:
Program support and reinforcement in language aimed at children, with whom we will work individually or in small groups.
The equipment includes educators who, in addition to Castilian are knowledgeable of Arabic, French, English and Slavic languages.
The team also has a mixed composition, integrating a variety of professionals in the countries of origin of children to facilitate the understanding of cultural differences.
Support program for teaching staff, whose goal is to help teachers guidelines for the design and development of strategies for the promotion of children, taking into account the peculiarities of their language and their culture of origin, working also in the translation of documents and timely information.
Approximation program of parents to school, aimed at fostering the involvement of parents of children in school dynamics.
The program covers from the prior information on the educational system or school that the child will go to work to accompany parents to school or formalize regular consultations between them and the guardians of minors.
Additionally, it supports professionals in the municipal centers of social services in translation work or expertise in the activity that they perform in the process of intervention with families or immigrant children out of school.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia