The Department of Works and Community Services, directed by José Arce, will perform asphalt paving in four new districts, particularly in Beniaján, Los Martínez del Puerto, Bath & Pauper, and The Arboleja.
The Governing Board of the City of Murcia has this morning approved the project and contract specifications for these activities, for a total of 530,000 euros.
These activities also are part of the collaboration agreement signed between the city of Murcia and Autonomous Region for a total of 82 projects during 2008 and 2009, for a total of 13.1 million euros.
Moreover, the Governing Board also approved this morning the award of the paving of roads, sidewalks and pedestrian areas in the districts of upper and Llano de Brujas, for a total of 309,600 euros.
Be paved driveways and sidewalks of Main Street was high and the pedestrian area Pedrińanes Road, Vicente Medina Street, Spring and Easter lane Llano de Brujas.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia