Esther Herguedas, Councillor Izquierda Unida + Greens in the city of Murcia considers municipal team priorities of the PP in Murcia on transport and mobility are "defend to the death the unsustainable model of private cars for transportation."
"Such is the spirit of the upcoming renovation of Ronda Sur to incorporate a third lane for cars in each direction and where, in the words of Councilman Jose Arce, there is no bike lane."
"Given the statements of responsible government team we wonder whether a remodel of a recent and comprehensive way as Ronda Sur, there is no bike lane somewhere Will our municipality in which the PP government team has expected to fit? "
"For the United Left + The Greens believe that the problem of the bike lane is not space-whether or not it fits, but of political will if I want to implement it or I have no intention of doing so."
"And so we see how complex historical helmets cities like Amsterdam, San Sebastian and Vitoria have been able to incorporate bike lanes, better public transport and improve pedestrian areas, thus contributing to a noticeable change in the quality of life and health of their citizens. "
"In Murcia, however there is no room for bikes, but it is for cars that are gaining ground."
"We can only be described as parochial and ignorant this form of urban planning that is using the same schemes for 20 years and making the same mistakes that lead to unsustainable mobility. The pair more roads = more cars is more than demonstrated. Councilman himself Arce has given the figure: 40,000 daily, nothing less. "
"Since Izquierda Unida + Greens turn to remember, and apparently we do not mind heavy, that the goal of any leader responsible to the environment and committed to reducing greenhouse gases should be to reduce the number of vehicles and not increase it. therefore launched an alternative and consistent with this objective: that the refurbishment of the southern ring is made to include both traffic in an exclusive platform for public transport and a bike lane instead of the proposed third lane for cars. "
Source: IU+LV de Murcia