We're all pedestrians "] | Mayor presents the campaign sponsored by the Government and the RACC to increase road safety of the people |
Walking in Murcia insurance.
This is the objective pursued by the initiative promoted by the City Council in collaboration with the RACC with which aims to give priority to road safety of people.
The campaign has been presented this morning by the Mayor, Miguel Ángel Cámara, accompanied by the Councillor and Traffic Safety, along with Peter Sauret, technical director of RACC, and Cristina Catalá responsible for it in the Levant and the Balearics.
Murcia is especially designed and prepared a city for walking, a circumstance that gives extra luster to the need to combat accidents in urban areas and, in particular, the risks in the zebra crossings.
We're all pedestrians "is designed to raise awareness among drivers and citizens of the fragility of the pedestrian, to educate people moving on foot to the need for extreme safety and identify opportunities for improvement that can increase security pedestrians and drivers.
To do this, some of the most used pedestrian crossings in the city offer a picture with the campaign message: "1 in 4 seriously injured in traffic accident is pedestrian."
Specifically, these crossings located opposite the Hospital Reina Sofía, the Iglesia del Carmen, Lieutenant Flomesta, Gran Vía (Cortefiel height), Ronda de Levante (Ministry of Health), Primo de Rivera (with Díez de Revenga) and Avenida Miguel de Cervantes (institute).
Also, pedestrians crossing the main street of Bacons Bridge (against CAM and Mapfre), Espinardo (with CajaMurcia) and El Palmar (Casino) will also join the campaign.
All of them will be labeled the next week, work will start from today and will take place at night to avoid disrupting traffic, and stay with this image until the end of the year.
Alongside these crossings, the image is reinforced by the placement of banners in the environments of these crossings.
In this case, it will install 600 units in 300 streetlights in the vicinity (2 for each point of light), which will be exhibited until the end of the month.
European Study
613 pedestrians were killed in Spain in 2006, which implies a reduction of 28% over 2001.
Over 90% of pedestrians killed in Spain were hit outside the crosswalk.
Regarding the pedestrian accident in Murcia, this year, until 23 July to hit a person died, two did so in 2007 and 3 in 2006.
The seriously injured in 2008 were 14, compared with 35 in 2007.
As for accidents, almost 7 months of this year has 2,002, while in 2007 were 3,727 and 3,367 the previous year.
These data are part of a European study that analyzes the risks of pedestrian crossings in 10 countries (Belgium, Spain, Austria, Italy, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Netherlands and Norway) and has participated RACC , following its line of promoting road safety and reduce road accidents.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia