Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


The works of the Tram Line 1 will begin in March 2009 (30/07/2008)

The introduction of trams in Murcia in two years continues to meet expectations as established stages.

Thus, the Governing Board of the City of Murcia has today approved the technical tender documents, legal, economic and administrative concession contract for the construction, maintenance and operation of the tram line 1 of Murcia.

The city now the countdown begins to have a means of transport, besides being fast, efficient, improve the environment and the urban landscape and reduce the greenhouse effect, pollution and noise.

The route designed for Line 1 reflects the intention of serving as many people as possible, and it will run with 30 major areas of influence: The Depth, Estrella de Levante, cemetery of Our Lord Jesus, Terra Natura, The Guiding Shopping Centre Shot, Housing Bittersweet, Campus de Espinardo, Future Science Park and Fair Grounds, Guadalupe, San Antonio Catholic University and La Nora.

Meanwhile, the second branch will pass through Plaza Circular, Morales Meseguer Hospital, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Public Works, Marist College, Churra football field, Codorniú Carolina school, new housing estates of Juan de Borbón, malls North Area New Condomina municipal stadium.

The deadline for execution of work (starting in March) is 13 months, which will add another 6 months to run various tests and ensuring the proper functioning of the line.

In this way, is expected to begin testing facilities around April 2010.

Thus, in late 2010, the tram will be open.

The launch of the new tram becomes the biggest gamble in history municipal city of Murcia, second only in the area of the region for the future airport.

Furthermore, there is a municipal investment, but the future concessionaire of the line, which, in turn, will get its operation over the next 40 years.

Thus, the new tram will be a reduction for municipal investment capacity.

The forecast states that investment spending in the work will reach 165 million euros, the concessionaire will have to invest in the 13 months provided the assistance to build infrastructure.

This amount is in addition another 37 million in rolling stock, bringing the figure closer to 202 million euros.

More jobs

The construction of this first line will generate the creation of 250 direct jobs and 600 indirect jobs, while mining is employed 85 people (55 of them with direct employment).

According to estimates, 27,000 people travel daily on the tram for the year of its launch, rising to 34,000 in 2015.

The stops in this path is 27.

The catenary is buried in the path that runs from the Plaza Circular to Avenida Juan de Borbon.

The construction of this first line will generate the creation of 250 direct jobs and 600 indirect jobs, while mining is employed 85 people (55 of them with direct employment).

The investment cost will amount to 178.8 million euros.

Respect for the Environment

The environmental impact study of the preliminary draft of the tram line 1 lists the improvements in traffic, environmental and urban planning will involve the construction and commissioning of this mode of transport.

Likewise, the areas through which the tram will see a significantly reduced noise emissions and that, at maximum speeds, generated a maximum of 60 decibels, well below the daytime noise levels in an area of high urban density and traffic.

Regarding energy expenditure, this system is one of the least energy consumed by electric traction, because it carries a single passenger vehicle to the same three buses (consumes ten times less energy than a bus) and because the tram to retrieve braking energy in returning to the catenary.

The environmental impact study also notes that the installation and operation of this transport is cheaper than a meter and to build it is only a sixth of what it would take the same path of one meter.

Another important point is referred to the assets.

According to the study, the installation of Travian affect any item of cultural heritage, only the former Zaraíche station, so it will be necessary to incorporate this track vibration system, more special than you already have in the whole journey.

This environmental impact assessment, endorsed by the Association of Biologists, set as a final conclusion that the proposed tram line 1 is clearly positive and the environmental condition is favorable.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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