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SMEs appreciate the importance of developing strategic plans and create training plans grouped (23/07/2008)

Four small and medium enterprises, chosen for their similarity in terms of training needs and prioritizing them, held a pilot workshop Business Association headquarters Amusal.

The event served to raise awareness of joint training needs and begin the process of grouping.

During the project, the consulting firm has been validated D'aleph documentation and methodology of the workshop for it to reach the other regional associations of Confesal that as Amusal cluster workshops are held from September 2008.

The Association of Social Economy of the Region of Murcia was assisted by José Manuel Martín Guevara, manager of the company associated with Oi Amusal Creative Studio Ltd. who provided their expertise in creating strategic plans for SMEs.

Irene Morosoli, Director of Human Resources and Marisa Amusal Laden, psychologist, technician training, employment and human resources Amusal taught alongside José Manuel Martín workshops.

Workshops Group of Companies that openly taught Amusal SMEs Murcia from next September are within the framework of the "Mission Possible II", where Amusal participates with the other regional associations of the Business Confederation of Societies Labor Spain (Confesal).

The main objective of the Mission Possible II project is to help member companies find the best ways to support the development of continuing training tailored to the needs of small and medium enterprises.

It is funded by the European Social Fund and the Tripartite Foundation for Employment Training, and develops in 3 parts:

The "Program Novo", for the detection of specific training needs of each company.

In Amusal has had the participation of 60 companies.

Workshop Group, to bring together groups of companies with similar training needs, with expert support for the formalization of a consortium can share costs and benefits.

And the design of a training plan tailored to the needs of the group, and may delegate the management of training in Amusal as Organizer.

The companies that participated in the pilot workshop are: Technical Studies Copemur SL, Frozen Alcazamar SLL, Eurowindows 2007 SLL, and Murlin SL.

Source: Amusal

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